Archive for January, 2010


Caprica “Rebirth” – Survivor’s Guilt

January 30, 2010

The following is an episode review, and therefore contains spoilers. By spacepug

Are there any good guys to cheer for on a doomed world, or does everyone share some of the responsibility?

Where BSG started off with fast-paced action, for Caprica we get a close-up view of how grief shatters lives.  Caprica’s first post-pilot episode was all about guilt, blindness and manipulation.  As our main characters mourn the loss of those they loved, others pull their strings mercilessly.  The pilot episode gave us a variety of moral points of view, equally valid.  By the end of “Rebirth”  we are now starting to see clear differences between right and wrong and have clear signals as to who we should side with.  Yet all the characters are flawed.  That makes for good television.

Lacy really needs a hug

Read the rest of this entry ?


Caprica features Jake’s Grandaddy?

January 26, 2010

Watched the latest sneak peak of Friday’s new Caprica episode, and all I could think of was….JAKE?

Check out the sneak preview scene here, and let me know what you think.

For those of you who don’t recognize the reference, Jake was the dog we met on New Caprica during Season Three of Battlestar Galactica, and it appears the Graystone family has a similar pet.


Caprica – The End Began on Twitter, Really

January 25, 2010

by spacepug

We know how the story ends.  The population of Caprica and the other colonies will be wiped out in 58 years, by the race of technological beings they create.  But we the viewers want to watch this society lay the seeds of its own destruction.  At least that’s what the show runners are hoping will draw us in.  So how amusing it is that they are using social media’s latest craze, Twitter, to engage us.

Serge Graystone

Serge, the robot butler from the Graystone’s house, now has his own account on Twitter.  And he’s funny.

I control many functions in the Graystone house, including security, media interfaces and vacuuming.

I can cancel security clearances. I can cancel them efficiently and coolly. Oh, I can cancel them.

Guess what guys?  When your vacuum cleaner has more followers than you, you’re doomed!

Also on Twitter, writer Jane Espenson, composer Bear McCreary, as well as actors Alessandra Torresani (plays Zoe, who also has her own Twitter account here) and Sasha Roiz (Sam Adama).


BSG on agenda for VFX festival

January 14, 2010

There will be two Battlestar Galactica themed panels at Spark FX 10, the visual effects conference and festival, held at the VanCity theatre in Vancouver at the end of January.

The 9am panel on January 30th will talk about the groundbreaking visual effects done for the 1978 version of the show, with the 10:45am panel focusing on the 2005 show.   Panelists will include Gene Kozicki from the Visual Effects Society (VES), Glenn Campbell (Area 51 and former BSG original series crew member), Derek Ledbetter (VFX Compositor, Universal Studios) and Pierre Drolet (Lead CG Modeler on the new BSG).

The events are open to the public but sell out well in advance, so buy quickly if you wish to attend.  Tickets and descriptions of the BSG panels, as well as other Spark FX 10 events, can be found here.