Archive for August, 2015


Nuked Earth + Nuked Con + Nuked Food!

August 5, 2015

11822593_10153446643225605_4819691532515259297_nThe last week or so has been a difficult one for Battlestar Galactica fans.  Hopes had been high for the Galacticon IV convention in Seattle but were disappointed in the days leading up to the event.  While a much smaller convention did go ahead this past weekend, a lot of BSG fans were left with a bad taste in their mouths.

Had we been holding on for this as the last gasp of BSG fandom?

Hell of a way to let it die.

The debacle seems to have reinvigorated the fan base.  As anger fades, there are new ideas for another convention in 2018 to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the Classic version and others just saying we have to try again.  Will something positive come out of it?

I don’t know.

A bunch of 13th Colonists got together in Vancouver on the day after the convention to talk about it.  We even brought out our Cylons. We chose Centennial Beach, the site the “Nuked Earth” sequences in Season 4 of the newer version of BSG.  And we talked about what we loved about the show, and what we want to see happen in the future.

We’re not ready to see the fandom die just yet.  So in the coming months, there will be new 13th Colony Video files, a fan table at a local convention and perhaps even another location scouting mission.

Hang on fellow BSG fans.  We’re still out here…