Archive for December, 2010


We Always Knew Cylons Were Crafty

December 20, 2010

Well, it seems that Battlestar Galactica fans are also a crafty bunch and the holiday season brings out the best in them.

If your Christmas decorations don’t have the sci-fi feel you were going for, try @pixelstech’s delightful Cylon Snowflake or Cylon Paper Dolls.  Since I never could choose a side in the Cylon-Colonial war, I riffed on her pattern and came up with the version on the right.

If your craftiness tends more in the wooly direction, or if your metal head gets a little chilly in the winter weather, why not try out Evilrabbit’s Cylon knit hat.

If you’re looking for a place to join up with your fellow crafty geeks, check out the Creative Geeks Society on Meetup.  They have weekly meetups in the Vancouver area, and an active message board for sharing ideas.

However Battlestar Galactica has inspired you, keep it up!

So Say We All.


13th Colony on Twitter

December 17, 2010

While a few 13th Colonists have been on Twitter for awhile now, Vancouver’s Battlestar Galactica Fan Club now has it’s own Twitter account @13ColonyofKobol

Just because BSG and Caprica are no longer on the air doesn’t mean that the 13th Colony is going away.   We’ve got some exciting new adventures planned for 2011, and will continue to share them with our members across the globe, perhaps with some new formats.

In late January we’re planning to revisit the shooting location of the Fake Cylon Earth the fleet arrived at mid-way through Season 4 of BSG, where the Final Five found their birthplace and Starbuck discovered her ship and her self.   Just as Starbuck built a big bonfire on the beach to destroy what she found, we’re going to have a bonfire in her honour, offering up our own cardboard viper to the Gods.  It’ll be epic.  Frakkin’ cold, but epic.

Of course, you can still find us over at Meetup, Facebook, and of course, here on WordPress.


Happy Holidays

December 13, 2010


The Shape of Things to Come

December 1, 2010

The producers of Caprica had a fairly good idea from the start that their show would be a tough sell. The ending of their first season, which has turned out to be their last, proves they weren’t really expecting to get a second season after all. Full of action and surprises, Caprica comes to an explosive conclusion, with an epilogue that will blow you away. The fans get far more closure than they might have expected, but this episode is hardly a showcase for the high calibre acting that has distinguished the series so far. At least one major character is unseen.

You didn’t really expect Apotheosis to be as nice and shiny as Clarice told you, did you?


It All Comes Down to the Biggest Game of the Season

What follows is a recap and review of the Caprica finale, and therefore CONTAINS SPOILERS.

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