Archive for the ‘Webisodes’ Category


2013: The Year of the 13th Colony

January 1, 2013

2013 bsg yearIs it too early to predict that 2013 will be our year? It’s been a dark time for Battlestar Galactica fans. A very long wait for the release of Blood & Chrome is now followed by more waiting to see if the downloads and DVD sales will lead to anything more. Yet with no new content on the horizon, our ragtag fleet of fans is hanging on.

In Vancouver, 13th Colony is starting the year off with a bang. We’ve got some BSG fans visiting from the USA and plan to show them some West Coast Cylon hospitality. On January 11th we’re hosting a Frak Party at our old hangout, La Fontana, to view Blood & Chrome in its entirety on a big HD screen. February will no doubt see us all truck off to our local DVD retailers to buy the DVD. April brings Fan Expo back to town, and we’ve got our fingers crossed that Michael Hogan will return after having to cancel last year. May will have a bunch of us looking south for the Galacticon III party in Texas.

Honestly, has anyone told the BSG fans there is no more show? Maybe that doesn’t matter. We are the survivors and we keep the dream alive.


Colonial Coffee at Caprica City Hall?

November 19, 2012

Blood & Chrome has got BSG fans talking all over the internet.  Now, at least a few nuggets are going to get together in person to share the enthusiasm for a new slice of our favourite show, Battlestar Galactica.

If you find yourself in and around downtown Vancouver — or as we like to call it, Caprica City –this Saturday afternoon, November 24th, between 1 and 4pm, drop in at the Blenz just inside the Robson doors of the Central Library.  Keep your eye open for a couple of knuckle draggers.  If they’re out of uniform, listen for words like “frak,” “toaster,” “cylon” or my personal favourite, “felgercarb.”  Pull up a chair and join in.

We’re working on a full-on Frak Party to celebrate the complete story of Battlestar Galactica: Blood & Chrome sometime in January, so stay tuned for more details.


BSG’s Back Baby!

November 6, 2012

Once again, Fridays will bring us new Battlestar Galactica!  How long has it been since we could say that?  Since March 2009.

It’s been a long wait, and I’m hoping not too long. As anyone who reads this blog may have noticed, we haven’t been as active recently.  We are without question one of the largest BSG fan clubs in the world, and yet we’ve barely hung on through this long break.  We’ve been holding out for the one more morsel of our favourite show…and it’s suddenly here.

In a few days we will have a new dose of our favourite epic drama, albeit a much smaller dose, and in a different medium.  On Friday, November 9th, Battlestar Galactica: Blood & Chrome will make its debut online.  On Youtube, exclusively on a channel called Machinima Prime, previously known mostly for video game content.

The trailer looks good, but with all the fast cuts it’s hard to tell. I see lots of action, but not a lot of character.  To succeed, I believe it will need both.

I have hope.  But it is mixed with a dose of caution brought on by a long wait and the bad taste from “the Plan” that still lingers when I think about it.

Glad Fridays are back to being BSG days.  So Say We All!


“Blood and Chrome” = New BSG

July 28, 2010

by spacepug

One of the most exciting announcements coming out of San Diego Comic-Con 2010 was the news that SyFy Channel is planning a new Battlestar Galactica webseries, called Blood and Chrome, which will re-visit the universe as created by Ronald D. Moore and David Eick (as opposed to the new new re-imagined version in the works that I’m just a little worried about…sigh).

The 10 episode series will be written by former BSG staffer Michael Taylor, and will focus on the adventures of the young William “Husker” Adama during the first Cylon War.

There are some interesting tidbits dropped here and here by SyFy exec Mark Stern.

If this project does come to fruition, a) it would be nice to see Nico Cortez in the role of Adama once again, having done such a good job of creating a believable younger version of Edward James Olmos’ character in the Razor flashback sequences and b) it would be nice to see this version of BSG end with something of a bit higher quality than The Plan.


Starting Rumours, Part 2

November 24, 2008

frikfrakvegasby spacepug

What happens in Vegas, may happen again in New Vegas…

Ok, I am being a bit of a trouble-maker, aren’t I? Couldn’t resist. They looked so cute.

But I also felt the need to wade into the fray on an issue that has come up about the soon-to-air new webisodes for Battlestar Galactica. It seems a number of my favourite websites have forgotten their own rules regarding spoilers.

While bloggers have generally been good about protecting the identity of the two new lovers to be revealed in the webisodes, their very headlines have broadcast what makes this relationship different from most of the others we have seen on the show.

That, in itself, was news. I think that also means it was a pretty frakkin’ big spoiler.

Granted, I live in a country where the issue featured in the new storyline is on the back burner. We may not all agree about anything other than just to let people be, for now. I recognize that recent political events have proven it to be a divisive and emotional topic in the US.

Galactica’s creators have admitted they draw parallels between current political events in the US and events that unfold on the show, whether it be water-boarding or stealing elections. They are going to keep pushing our buttons. Let us not let our strong feelings on these issues spoil the enjoyment for others, when there is so little new BSG left.